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Thursday, 10 September 2020



Ahlcon International School

Mayur Vihar Phase-1




Young children are the basis for all dimensions of sustainable development. They have a right to thrive, develop their full potential, and live in a sustainable world. The world should understand that sustainable development challenges are not integrated. Poverty reduction, health, education, agriculture and energy, gender equality and development within planetary boundaries must be tackled together, and an inter-generational vision of societal development must underlie the goals. Keeping this in mind, Ms. Tina Chopra formed a team with 9 students of Prep – A. Together they participated in SDG Solution Challenge, where they showcased their work based on SDG Goal no. 3, category 3.4 under their title ‘Angels the Saviors’. Since, these little minds are full of curiosity and are inquisitive to learn about new things,  the teacher arranged an interaction session with a well-known wrestler Mr. Deepak Punia, who has won silver medal in World Wrestling Championship in 2019 and also secured his place in summer Olympics 2020. They even got a chance to interact with Senior Paediatrician, Dr. Piyush Jain who has 25 years of experience in the field of medicine. He has also been the former president of Indian Medical Association and is currently the president of Indian Association of Pediatricians.


The session was very fruitful as it provided children an opportunity to gain insight on how good health and wellbeing for all is an important part of sustainable world. They made posters to spread their word on social media and attracted many followers. The entire team achieved 'SDG Rising Star Inspiration' Award in addition to their original certificate and pledged to follow the same in future too.


The dedication and enthusiasm of their teamwork was recognized globally on Twitter platform. Two of their team members, Myra Arora and Naira Malhotra got an opportunity to be the live speaker at the biggest ever ‘World Children Conference' held on 22nd August 2020 where more than 30 countries registered themselves. It was a proud moment when they shared the platform with Director of Ahlcon Group of Schools, Dr. Ashok Kumar Pandey who was one of the Guest Speakers at SDG CONFERENCE. With his motivational words, he boosted the morale of all the participants and organizers. He expounded everyone by telling that accumulation of power never makes anyone a successful person, success is when a person brings difference in other people’s life.

He profoundly appreciated the endeavors of all the participants and blessed them all with his gracious presence.

The proudest moment was to see our little torch bearers Myra and Naira receive their Certificate of Appreciation and march ahead to support the achievement of sustainable goals.

It was a pure delight to see the children across the world share their vision of a better world and speak with full conviction. Their spirit to work for SDGs was highly significant.


Link https://youtu.be/M_BXPtwsHwc

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