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Wednesday 26 November 2014

Tactile Disc- PS A

'Tactile Discs' is a fun filled game that sharpens the child's cognition and also gives the child an opportunity of experiential learning. The child is blindfolded, given a bag full of small discs which are a model of the bigger ones - on which he/she walks. Through his/her sense of touch, he/she has to identify the correct disc. 

The children of Preschool A played this game and had a lot of fun!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Hindi Group Dramatization Competition

Hindi Group Dramatization Competition

The students of Preschool performed in Hindi Story Dramatization Competition on 20th November, 2014 in the school auditorium. The theme of the competition was 'Moral based Stories' and the children enacted beautifully. Dressed in their given roles,all children were looking like angels.

Preschool A

Preschool B

Preschool C

Preschool D

Preschool E

Niharika of Prep B reciting a rhyme

Swaneer of Prep D playing Lakdi ki Kathi on his keyboard

HM and AHM Ma'am encouraging us with their valuable words

Preschool B, Preschool D

Preschool A

Preschool C, Preschool E

Birthday Celebrations