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Thursday, 19 September 2019

Helpers’ Day

Helpers’ day Activity Report

A role play on community helpers was conducted in Pre-Primary Department on Monday, 9th September 2019. The objective of this activity was to acquaint children of the people around who help them in many ways. Various helpers like drivers, electricians, plumbers, carpenter, guards, didi were introduced to the children along with their related tools.
Children came dressed up as these helpers and spoke confidently about them. They were explained that these helpers make our lives easier with the services they deliver every day.
This activity helped to instil in children respectand gratitude for all professionsIt was a great learning experience for all the children as they depicted these helpers with great conviction and confidence in front of Director Sir, Principal Sir, Headmistress Ma’am and their friends. This day calls for a special mention of teachers and parents who prepared these students for the delightful enactment.


  1. Kids were very excited to speak about the helper they were dressed up as.

  2. Children were very enthusiastic and happy playing roles of Community Helpers .
