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Monday, 1 June 2020

Earth Day

Ahlcon International School
Mayur Vihar Phase - 1
Delhi- 110091
Earth Day Report
The 50th Anniversary of Earth Day was unforeseen to be a worldwide celebration from home. As most parts of the world remain under lockdown, the Earth Day had gone digital to keep up the momentum. Under social distancing &restrictions around the world to fight the spread of Coronavirus, our little Ahlconites were reminded by their Class Teachers in their online Web Class on Wednesday, 22nd April 2020, to take care of our planet and take action on Earth Day.
On this day, a range of creative activities like cleaning up litter, planting more trees, reducing plastic dependency, conserving water or recycling and repurposing were organized with a view to sensitize children about the conservation of natural resources, motivating them to do their bit towards making our mother planet more beautiful. The students of both Nursery and Prep were encouraged to celebrate ‘Earth Day’ by appreciating and respecting the environment. With the objective of protecting our mother Earth and continuing with the spirit to spread awareness, the students of Nursery & Prep created posters, head gears, watered plants, sowed seeds of hope, made gratitude cards with their teachers & parents guidance which were all soul stirring and a visual treat.
They engraved beautiful slogans and spoke confidently on why celebrating this day has larger significance. The event rekindled emotive concerns and prompted the young change makers to save, love and respect Mother Nature with all their heart and soul and make this world a betterhealthier place to live in.


  1. Very creatively done project activities👍

  2. It's important to promote environmental awareness through various activities time to time as a reminder to take care of our Mother Earth.

  3. Great efforts! The future change makers are being well groomed.

  4. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. .. .

  5. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. ..

  6. Very very creative. Great efforts.

  7. Creativity unleashed by the talented Ahlconites.
