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Thursday, 4 July 2019

Workshop on Early Childhood Education

Workshop on Early Childhood Education

On 11 th May, Saturday, the Pre-Primary department of Ahlcon International School and Ahlcon Public School had a wonderful experience of learning the ‘Theory of Multiple Intelligences’ advocated by specialist, Howard Gardner through an interactive workshop in the conference hall of the school. The resource person,
Ms. Monica Dhir, conducted a beautiful session for the teachers by explaining the eight intelligences and how the educators can use these multiple intelligence strategies in their classrooms to address the dominant intelligences of their learners. Various techniques were discussed in the workshop using which a teacher can achieve interest of each and every student of the class.
The eight major areas of Multiple Intelligence namely: Linguistic, Logical- mathematical, Visual-Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalist intelligence were discussed by giving appropriate examples.

The resource person, Ms. Monica, enlightened that how the theory of multiple intelligences proposes a major transformation in the education system and also suggested that how teachers can plan their lessons in a wide variety of ways using music, cooperative learning, digital learning, art activities, role play, field trips,
and much more. Overall it was a brilliant session where teachers freely discussed their questions and how beautifully these queries were handled and responded by Ms. Monica Dhir herself.

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