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Monday 12 December 2016

AHM's Message

When those two little feet board the school bus and one reluctant hand waves a bye bye to the anxious parents standing on the bus stop, the mother wonders,what all her child does in school and the father steels himself reiterating his faith in the school he had so carefully chosen. To provide answers to such gnawing questions and to etch the accomplishments of our little heroes in gold, we are glad to bring out our first endeavor ‘uhao-the foundation’ for you.
This maiden venture of Pre Primary encases in its pages the joyful journey of learning together that all Ahlconites undertake in Pre Primary. Together we embark on a new voyage everyday- exploring the wondrous world of creativity through the eyes of children. They bask in the glory of sunshines and rainbows and we take a pleasant dip into the world of wonder with them, reliving our childhood in their laughter and cheerful cries. Children have taught us-
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
-William Blake
Such is the charismatic presence of children that in spite of having attained degrees and diplomas from
prestigious universities, our team of teachers do not wish to leave them for more rewarding jobs or positions.
This firm bonding can be witnessed in the pages you are about to flip.
We are the foundation layers and each of us is acutely aware of the responsibility that rests on our shoulders.We all are highly indebted to our visionary Dr.Rohini Ahluwalia who inspires us to
make our teaching value based having a global perspective. Our mentors, Mr. A.K.Pandey and Ms. Anju Gupta have deep rooted faith in their team and they keep guiding us at every step, carefully carving our path to perfection. They provide us with their unflinching support, training opportunities and the best infrastructure to make our learning journey rich and enjoyable.
Sunita Rajiv (AHM)