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Tuesday 31 May 2016

Assembly by Prep B

Assembly by Prep B

We, the children of Prep B conducted our first assembly. We started it by taking blessings from the almighty with the help of a prayer. It was followed by the Gayatri Mantra. Later, we recited the rhyme 'Open a book and you will find' in a group with actions. Our teachers explained about the importance of reading books. Our teachers then conducted a Puppet Show which was enjoyed by all of us. We gave handmade Thank You cards to our Didi, Chef, Gardener, etc. in order to thank them. All of us danced on the song 'Itni si Hansi'  and our honourable Headmistress and AHM appreciated our efforts. 


  1. Children recited the rhyme confidently and melodiously with correct voice modulation.Proud of you all.God bless

  2. Children recited the rhyme confidently and melodiously with correct voice modulation.Proud of you all.God bless

  3. Wonderful performance by the confident ahlconites!Thank you Pallavi for capturing such memorable moments!!
