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Thursday 15 January 2015

Hindi Story Dramatization- Prep

Hindi Story Dramatization- Prep

Weof Preprimary performed in Hindi Story Dramatization Competition and the theme of the competition was 'Moral based Stories' and the children enacted beautifully. Dressed in their given roles,all children were looking like angels. We also celebrated christmas and had a lot of fun.

Prep A

Prep B

Prep C

Prep D

Prep E

Christmas Celebration


  1. I wish we could video record all the plays. The children displayed amazing confidence and theatrical prowess. They will be amused to see their cute avatars when they grow up and would thank their lovely teachers who maintained an e-album of their feats.

  2. xcellent n speechless to comment on stage performance of tinytots.njoyed d colourful pics and definitely sunita maam its a grt effort by teachers in preparing them for such events n further capturing these moments for their future.. feel proud n satisfied as my daughter is a part of ahlcon.

    1. Thank you sooo much ma'am! So glad to hear from you.
      Looking forward to your views..

  3. Glad to see our kids blooming perfectly. Thank you so much to all the teachers and the administration.

  4. dear maam kindly upload d pics of clay modelling competition of prep.

  5. Its grt that school came up with this blog b'coz of which we ppl come to know what exactly is going in the school as these kids are to small to inform everything. I was just going through the blog and what I saw that there are lot many competitions. which takes place in the classrooms like drawing, clay modelling , handwriting comp. but there are no pics related to these compt.. I request to put the pics of these compt. as well so that v can know how kids r doing in these compt. as well.

    Pooja Gupta
