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Wednesday 16 July 2014

Splash Pool Fun

Splash Pool Fun

The children of preprimary had their first Pool day at school. They were very excited and anxious to dip their legs in the cool water. Quickly they changed their dresses into swimming costumes and walked to the splash pool while other children watched and craved to go inside the pool. It was a fantastic experience to see the twinkle in their eyes, the sweet smile and the wet hugs given to us.


  1. Children enjoyed splash pool with their friends and wanted the pool period to go on for long....

  2. Children enjoyed the splash pool . They were excited for this day

  3. Yes the long awaited splash pool was a really hit sport for our children in this hot days.they just couldnt wait to go inside the pool.their happiness was an encouragement for other kids who promised to get their costume the next time!,,!,,

  4. My son very happy for spalaah pool n waiting for next time

  5. Really it was an amazing moment. They enjoyed it like anything.

  6. Really it was an amazing moment. They enjoyed it like anything.

  7. students eagerly wait for the pool time
