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Friday, 12 July 2019

Teaching Life skills through assemblies

Teaching Life skills through assemblies

In a constantly changing environment, having life skills is an essential part of being able to meet the challenges of everyday life and to cope with the change of modern life.
In a special assembly on 10th July, 2019 the Prep teachers welcomed the students with full zeal and enthusiasm. The teachers presented a skit on day to day life situations to equip our students to handle and face any situation confidently and with positive attitude without any stress. Children were happy and excited to see their teachers performing for them. They coul also answer critical questions based on the skit. They learnt how to fold their clothes and help their mother in daily household chores to become self independent. 


  1. It's a beautiful theme and so relevant in today's scenario.

  2. That is very nice to see like this children will be more self dependent we will also try to learn them thank you teachers

  3. My son has started doing things by his own... i was wondering how this happened...
    Thanks to all the staff for putting up such a wonder platform for our kids to learn...
    Thanks a lot

  4. My son has already started helping us .. i was wondering how did he change so much..
    Now i know who is making him do so.. thanks a lot...
    Thank you to all the teachers for setting up such a wonder skills and standards in these little hearts...
    Thanks a lot....

  5. Thank you teachers for putting efforts in helping our kids learn to do tasks independently.

  6. Wonderful theme of the assembly. Great effort by all the teachers.

  7. Very much encouraging effort to incorporate family values and responsibility sense in the heart of our children , thanks to all of the teachers

  8. Well explained & well understood assembly. Ss really need to learn these skills in today's world.
